A totally out of date statement you often hear is “You can get everything you need from food”, yet a 26,000 person study showed not even one person was receiving the basic recommended daily allowance (RDA).
A missing mineral or vitamin puts everything out of balance because the body “borrows” what it needs from elsewhere.
Sometime, soon, something has to give and, eventually, a deficiency leads to malfunction, or breakdown. You get ill, look run down, your health suffers and who knows what might happen next.
Your health, wellbeing, intelligence, energy and functionality and your appearance depend on the body replenishing its stocks of minerals and vitamins several times every day. It should never be left to chance.
Products that are packed with naturally sourced plant minerals and vitamins give everything you need to stay healthy and enjoy the best possible quality of life that you can get.
You’re arming your body to cope the very best it can with everything that life throws at it.
Look for products that are simply natural, nothing metallic or synthetic in the products. You want nature’s wholesome natural goodness concentrated to give you precisely what your body needs, all through the day, every day.
Adding products that are packed with naturally sourced plant minerals and vitamins to your daily diet helps you to work better, play wisely and live life to the full, ensuring that you’ve given your body the best chance it could ever have at living a great life. How good would that make you feel? See, you’re smiling already.
It’s easy to look good and feel great when you put nature to work for your body because natural plant derived minerals and vitamins are your body’s very best friends.
Give your body the nutrients it needs
Try www.HeavensMinerals.com for 90 days and feel the difference