Felicity is honoured to have been invited to be a Senior Associate of the prestigious Royal Society of Medicine in London.
This year, for her annual Get Well Stay Well Day, she featured Getting Well and Staying Well from Stress.
Her guest doctor for 2015 was Dr. Francisco Contreras who is Director of the Oasis of Hope Christian Cancer Hospital in Mexico. He has on average 56% better results for stage 4 cancers than any other hospital.
He says this is because he teaches the patients to heal not only in body, but in mind and spirit as well. “When you have Jesus in your life, you are equipped to overcome life’s challenge.”
We know that 95% of disease is caused by stress, unresolved trauma, grief, unforgiveness, rejection, and cancer often develops when people are dis-eased and upset.
Felicity is well aware that her cancer in 2003 developed from a mixture of many factors. The stress of losing her daughter, followed by a heart breaking divorce, as well as contamination from the chemicals in the drinking water that had caused cancer in other family members. She was stressed in her job, and drinking coffee with milk and sugar, all three of which are well known carcinogens.
She had also been put on HRT by a well meaning but ignorant doctor. The birth pill and HRT are now known to cause cancer.
Her life was saved, after she had been sent home to die by the London hospital, as she was told about Dr. Francisco Contreras and the B17 infusions by her church in London, Holy Trinity Brompton. Although she was not well enough to fly to Mexico at the time, Dr. Contreras directed Felicity’s own doctor in Jersey on the protocol she should follow at home.
Having watched her own daughter die an agonising death from chemo, radiation and bone marrow transplant, Felicity knew she would not go the orthodox route. In fact Dr. Contreras finds the best results in those patients who come with “virgin” cancers – which means they have had NO chemo and radiation.
On an average he can cure 95% of all virgin tumours. When patients have already had chemo and radiation it is much harder to restore the immune system.
Felicity also followed the Gerson protocol of five daily coffee enemas, and hourly organic fresh juices. She was in ministry at the time and prayed under her tallith and committed herself entirely to God.
Working as a team with Dr. Contreras and her own local doctor, it took eight months for the large mass in the head of the pancreas to be reduced to a scar. She basically maintains the protocol to this day, eliminating the MAD diet of Meat and Dairy, and keeping to vegan raw food 80% of the time.
She continues to do daily coffee enemas, and now stocks the washable, long lasting, packable, colonic and enema kits and implant bulbs on the shop of this website. The kit also includes a vaginal douche for the ladies. Many doctors and nurses agree with Felicity that this kit is life saving.
It is vital to take the juices as well as doing the enemas, as a broken immune system is desperately short of living enzymes, giving the minerals and vitamins vital for healing. The general rule is one enema for every three juices, to keep the perfect balance. Felicity believes that the HeavensMinerals and Vitamins are vital in the battle against cancer, as all disease is caused by toxicity and deficiencies.
Dr. Contreras is at present setting up a new Oasis of Hope in Japan, and Felicity is hoping very much that he might be able to also set up a similar Christian Cancer Hospital in Marbella in Spain, near the Revelation TV studios. In the meantime, patients can glean a tremendous amount of information from his website www.OasisofHope.com.
Felicity and her camera man William flew to Mexico this spring and filmed the Hospital. You can see a video of the interview with Dr. Contreras, on this website.
When edited, it will be possible to see film of the Getting Well and Staying Well from Stress at the Royal Society of Medicine in London on Saturday 25th July 2015 from the new Partners Learning Zone on this website.