Prayerfully seeing in the New Year, I wanted to share this with you my beloved partners…
- Commune with Jesus every day, read His Words in the Bible to transform body, mind and spirit
- Rest in His perfect peace, spending time in quiet contemplation
- Know that you are the bride waiting for the bridegroom to take you to your new wonderful home and new life
- Be light and salt to others as you walk your journey, your mission here
- Believe Jesus is healing you and strengthening you in every way,
- Believe it and you WILL see it
- Be the kindest person you know
- Make time to walk in nature at least ten minutes every day
- Drink plant derived minerals and vitamins every day to feed your cells
- Inhale and anoint yourself with the citrus oils every day – lemon and grapefruit detox us exponentially
- Take a hot bath every night and anoint yourself with coconut oil and lavender oil for peaceful sleep
- Ingest Frankincense on the tongue and hold to the roof of the mouth to let it reach your limbic system to boost immune system.
- Always do the RIGHT thing, the generous thing
- Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you in every decision you make
- Celebrate all your friends’ achievements, inspire and lift them to be the best they can be
- Research natural health and practice it
- Remember that every thought you think affects every cell in your body
- List the best times in your life, and whenever you are waiting – spend the time remembering them to make good body chemistry
- Smile!
- Always dress and act for an audience of one – HIM!
- People around you are either drains or radiators – choose your friends wisely!
- Regard change as an opportunity
- Remember it is chickens who flap around squawking, getting nowhere – soar high like an eagle above the turbulence
- Avoid victim speak – speak out positive affirmations about your life
- Apologise when you know you should apologise
- Say PLEASE and THANK YOU a lot
- Make your home a sanctuary of peace and prayer
- Infuse the citrus oils to detox and lift mood
- Take a coffee enema every night so you spend the night detoxing and regenerating cells in a clean body
- Do a sauna regularly to sweat out heavy metals
- Do a detox foot bath at least once a week
- Have a nightly bath in Epsom Salts
- Make your basic food green juice – three times a day
- Stay vegan – avoid all sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, dead animal foods and dairy
- Lighten Up and Stay Light – Laughter warms the heart
- Love animals and children – feel the love making great body chemistry
- To attract wealth, so you can do more for others, invest in self education and work to help make the world a better place
- Buy educational books by people you admire – they have put their life essence into their writings
- Make an Ethical Will and start living the life you want to be remembered by – NOW!
- Think seriously what talents God has gifted you with, and maximise them to gift them back to Him.